If it is summer time, the best thing to do is going to the spa. At Gyopáros a huge area is at the visitors disposal. The place is ideal for bathing, sunbathing, sport activities, such as: beach volleyball, beach handball and football.
The open air swimming pool situated in the park is suitable for international competitions, but serves the demands of the local swimming and scuba diving club. These sports have long standing traditions in the town.
On a huge space of more than 6 000 m2 the adventure spa offers enjoyment all year round. There are three outdoor and four indoor pools with various adventure elements such as: neck shower, musroom, lazy river rides, lying massage, geysers, water spitters, massage jets and waterfalls make recreation and relaxation even more enjoyable. Lovers of slides can enjoy going down two huge spiral slides arriving either in an open air pool or in an indoor pool.
Apart from bathing the town and its surrounding area offers a wide variety of programmes from spring till autumn. An ideal destination for one-day trips is White Lake at Kardoskút-Pusztaközpont situated at a distance of 8-10 km. White Lake and its surroundings is a nature conservation area rich of geographical, ornithological and biological values.Lovers of cycling can choose from routes of different difficulties. Although the local network of cyclist lanes needs to be improved, local drivers are very tolerant towards cyclists. In this way this form of travelling is safe.
During the past years Orosháza has gained fame as host of numerous festivals. Different events are attracting thousands of visitors in the town, there are events almost in each month of the year, such as: Orosháza Festival, Orosháza Goose Liver Festival, European Bread Festival, International Horse Championship.