There are different types of photographers: there are lovers of nature photography, others are fond of taking pictures of buildings, while others are interested in social documentary photography.
If you take your camera with you for your holiday, we have a few tips for each type of photographer
Natural values of Great Plain do not need any more presentation, we have discussed them in details on other pages. The flora and fauna of the region offers good subject either in winter or in summer time. No wonder Bence Máté, one of the best professional wildlife photographer lives in the Great Plain area, at a distance of 100 km from Orosháza.
Now let’s see some useful tips from professional photographers: the first area to be shot is the Gyopáros lake system and the surrounding area. Another challenging place is the Körös-Maros National Park with its protected areas at Kardoskút, Szarvas, Dévaványa, Szabadkígyós. These places have unique geographical, ornithological and biological values that indicate high level of protection. White Lake at Kardoskút is situated at a distance of 10-15 minutes from Orosháza. Of course we should mention the Arboretum of Szarvas. If you are interested in the flora and fauna of wild waters, then our rivers: Black-, White-, Double- and Triple-Körös will offer perfect themes to you. Photographers may be attracted by the beauty of Sárrét, Száraz ér and Park of Mezőhegyes.
Apart from natural beauties Orosháza is rich of monuments, too. Numerous churches and statues will catch the eyes of photographers. But if you have possibility to travel let’s go to
Gyula and Szarvas, town that is called Athens of the Körös river. At Gyula the castle and the buildings of the old town, the Dürer and Erkel memorial houses are top attractions. We also have to mention the tradition preserving houses at Tótkomlós, Békéscsaba, Elek, Battonya, Méhkerék. Reliques of national identities.
And last but not least the social photographer: go for a walk in the town, observe the local people, go to the market, have a coffee in a bar or in a pub. If you are watching carefully you can catch the most of it, the real essential features of local people.