What is needed for a romantic week end or holiday in two? A spa surrounded by a park, lake and wood is more than enough.
At Gyopárosfürdő all conditions are given for spending unforgettable hours or days with our sweetheart: wellness, adventure pools, romantic walks, dinners with candle light, horse riding, promenade, trips – all are available during a holiday spent at Orosháza.
The spa offers a wide choice of services in the park, outdoor pools, adventure pools and thermal bath. The choice of accomodation is rich as well: starting from two star camp site to four star luxury hotel. The decision is up to you.
As for restaurants: both at Gyopárosfürdő and in the town couples are welcome with delicious dishes, good service to make a romantic evening perfect.
Horse riding or even promenading can be tried out. There are several farms offering their services.
Varga farm focuses mainly on horses. They offer riding trainings, tours on horse or shows with horses. The Mustang Horse School or the Pony club can be an attractive destination.