The pampering services offered by Gyopáros feel like a romantic touch.
The pace of everyday life is getting faster and faster. By the end of the week, we all long for some relaxation time. Our bodies are often neglected, get tired and say: stop! Some people cope with this running lifestyle better, others have problems. Prevention is better than cure! It is worth taking a relaxing massage or wellness therapy, refreshing in the same time our body and soul.
Visitors arriving at Orosháza can experience various massages, according to their taste and pretensions. Each of the applied massage techniques have positive effects upon different affections. While for many visitors an aromatic or relaxing massage is the best, for others a refreshing, body shaping or foot massage is the ideal choice. And in order to make the experience complete so that our body really gets what deserves: we can spend pleasant and refreshing moments in the salt chamber.