Békés county and especially Orosháza is a real Paradise for fans of fishing as a sport. But those who take to fishing only as a hobby will sit satisifed on their fishing chairs, too.
Orosháza has some excellent fishing lakes. We highly recommend Southern Lake at Gyopárso. It is open to the public from dawn to twilight, every day – except for Saturdays and holidays.
Sand Mine Lake
This lake is a popular fishing spot among locals, but an increasing number of fans are coming from all over the country. The lake is under the protection of the local Kinizsi Fishing Club. On the banks of the lake can be found the guard house with detailed information about regulations and rules refering to the place. Species in the lake: carps, pikes, bass, catfish, grass carp, bream and perch. Location: Orosháza, Szentesi road.
Lakes at the old brick factory
The place offers three different passtimes. Fishing in the lake rich of catfish. Daily tickets are available in the pub by the lake. The pub also offers basic fishing equipment and refreshments. For children a playground is provided. Outdoor cooking vessel is also provided. Location: Orosháza, Gyopárosi ugarok (fallow land) nr:6.
New sand mine
It is a place dedicated especially to fishing with boilies, to catching big fishes! At the weekends possibility for camping. The owners promise built fishing berths. Location: Orosháza, Szentesi road.
Lovers of rivers will find their amusement not far from Orosháza. Favourite spots on the river Körös can be found at Szarvas, Gyomaendrőd, Békésszentandrás, Köröstarcsa, Békés, Gyula, Sarkad, Szeghalom. But if we have a look around in the neighbouring Csongrád county we will find places like: Szentes, Csongrád, Hódmezővásárhely, Mártély, Szeged. These places are at short distance.
Local shops provide you anything missing from your equipment.