5904 Gyopárosfürdő, Fasor street 3.
Phone number: +36-68/512-260
E-mail: info@gyoparosfurdo.hu
Curative treatments:
Thermal pools:
1 indoor + 1 outdoor pools open all year
Sun-Fri: 08:00-20:00*
Sat: 08:00-24:00*
Mon-Fri: 12:00-20:00
Sat: 10:00-24:00* (night bathing)
Sun: 10:00-20:00*
* the pools / sauna cabins close 30 minutes before closing!
Main entrance
Closed, entry via the spa’s medical cash desk.
Park pools:
Opening in May 2025
Outdoor sport pools
Mon-Sun: 08:00-20:00*
Open until 22.09.2024
Adventure pools indoor:
CLOSED: the in- and outdoor pools of the Aquapark are expected to open soon. – please return later to this page for more information.
Thermal Park Camping and wooden houses:
OPEN until the end of September.
Wald Chalet Camping:
Closed, opening in May 2025
Operates EVERY WEEKEND from September 1 to 29, 2024 (Sat/Sun) Timetable
Opening hours of the spa, shops, offices, pubs and bars.
Gyopárosfürdő is open for visitors all year round, on each day of the year. What is more on Fridays and Saturdays the spa has extended opening hours, till midnight!
The opening hours of pubs and bars, shops is adjusted to the daily routine of a provincial time, rather than to the busy life of a big city. However, it is a fact that local residents do not go to bed with the sun.
Popular pubs and bars such as Bla-Bla, Koccintó, Annó stay open till the party lasts and there is a wide choice of parties that usually last till dawn. The closing time of pubs, coffee bars, restaurants and fast food restaurants is usually ten o’clock, but many places stay open till midnight or even longer at the week ends. There are non stop pubs and bars in the town, so no worry for the night owls – they can drop for a drink even in the early morning hours.
The opening hours of offices, shops and other servicing organizations can differ. The local shops of big chains close either at eight or ten o’clock, but there are night and day shops as well, which serve their customers continuously. Some shops close at midday for a lunch break, that is a one or two hours break.
The opening hours of banks, insurance companies and offices is similar all over the country, in this way clients are welcome during working hours.
The working hours of the local City Hall is as follows:
- Mon: 8-12, closed in the afternoon
- Tuesday: 8-12, 12:30-16
- Wed: 8-12, closed in the afternoon
- Thurs: 8-10, closed in the afternoon
- Fri: 8-12, 12:30-16