White Lake at Kardoskút is a must-see for visitors spending their holiday at Orosháza or its surroundings.
Based on the information provided by the official site of Körös Maros National Park: White Lake has been a nature conservation area since 1966, when the surrounding steppes became protected territory as migrating land on the routs followed by approximately 150 migrating species. White Lake in Kardoskút is the most valuable alkali lake of the South Tiszántúl region with its special water supply and water surfaces of the inland water recipients. The geographical, ornithological and biological values of the lake and its surroundings indicate the high level of protection. The alkali lake has been a nature conservation area under the Ramsar Treaty since 1979.
In the end of winter thousands of wild geese and ducks gather into flocks to migrate to the north.
Flocks of curlews, whimbrels and sandpipers have a rest on the wet grassy meadows at the lakeside.When the spring days start to warm, the avocet builds its nest near the water. The Kentish plover nests in the bare alkali patches that are covered with fescue and bárányparéj. In the pastures with higher grass peewits, godwits and red-legged sandpipers nest.In October and November the migration of cranes is a special event. Simultaneously with the cranes the wild geese also start migration to the north. In autumn very big flocks of birds spend weeks in the region.
The lake is surrounded by ancient native and secondary, established grasslands and croplands. The present names of the grasslands (Fecskés, Kis-Bogárzó, Nagy-Bogárzó, Csomorkány) refer to the former lakes and waterlogged areas. On the patches of the ancient loess grasslands very rare plant species grow like the Stembergia colchiciflora and the common meadow-rhubarb. The protection of Vásárhely grasslands, where the remnants of old farms are still seen, offers the possibility of preservation of traditional life conditions and activities of peasants living in the region.
The preservation of beauty of the landscape, the unbroken horizon, the mosaics of extensively cultivated lands and grasslands contribute to the maintenance of natural values of the region.Tourists can visit the stocks of Hungarian grey cattle, racka and cigaja sheep owned by the Körös-Maros National Park at its Fehértó unit at Kardoskút, namely at the Sóstó establishment. These ancient domesticated animals have an outstanding value as they form a part of a Gene Bank for the purposes of the future animal husbandry.
Next to the nature conservation area, in the Pusztaközpont (Grassland Centre), the Museum in Kardoskút presents the past and the natural values of White-lake. The museum exhibits the history of Kardoskút, its flora and fauna with old maps, drawings, photos and preparations.