
Szabadkígyós is a small village with a population of 3 000, situated south of Békéscsaba.

The distance between Orosháza and Szabadkígyós is 40 km. The village is easily acessible both by coach and car.

During the centuries of Turkish domination the place was de- and repopulated several times. Later it became property of Baron Harruckern. At the end of the 18th century it became the possession of the Wenckheim family. The castle of Count Frigyes Wenckheim and Krisztina Wenckheim was built in eclectic style between 1875-79 according to the plans made by Miklós Ybl. Nowadays the building, which used to be a school and boarding school, is empty.

The place is a popular destination among the arriving tourists.

Pictures of Szabakígyós

Szabadkígyós on map