The history of Hudák hand weavery is a real success story originated from Csorvás. Mariann Hudák realised her talent for clothes design and tailoring at primary school, she sewed a jacket for herself using the material of draperies.
Then she was punished for her prank, but since than she has been given only awards for her creations. In 2013, for example, she was awarded Prima Primissima at the gala held at the Palace of Arts, from the National Association of Entrepreneurs and Employers.
However, her talent did not come from nowhere, she was carrying on her mother, Hudák Józsefné, heritage. Julika tried all forms of crafts starting from plate painting, weaving, sewing and needlework. In 1978 she received an Award for Excellence for her works made with macramé technique and organized her first solo exhibition. She continued her studies at Békés County Folk Arts Association and obtained qualification as a weaving teacher. First she made carpets, tapestries, textiles and canvases then designed and applied hand-weaving technique.
Mariann studied folk costume manufacturing at Békés County Folk Association. Under the guidance of renowned ethnographers she developed her own unique style and gained a degree as instructor. She went on with her studies at Hungarian Fashion Institute, where she studied setting and modelling women’s wear.
Later she studied at Düsseldorf, at M. Müller & Sohn aylor Academy, where she obtained a bilingual degree as fashion designer. Then she started working at her mother’s weavery, Julika founded in 1989 as a family business. More than two hundred creations of Mariann Hudák are juried arts and crafts products. In an interview she confessed that she is focusing on traditional Hungarian Noble’s clothing, there being a more and more growing demand for these articles. The first big break through was a Protestant pastor’s mantle with Hungarian motifs, which won a Masterpiece Award for the family business.
Further awards and recognitions include: III place at International Textile Conference, II pace in 2010, Expo awards, Best Domestic Handicraft Award, Best handicraft exhibitor (Szombathely).
The family attended numerous cloths shows organized at Budapest, Tata, Milan, Ulm, Paris, Salerno and Specchia. They have exhibited in the Museum of Murten. Their products can be seen in different towns of the country, from Dévaványa to Budapest. Their last exhibition took place at Békéscsaba, Munkácsy Museum.
They are present each year at the Festival of Folk Arts at Budapest, but regularly visit equestrian events, being members of the Hungarian Equestrian Club; they regularly exhibit at vine related events, too. Recently, they have represented Hungary at the Hungarian Cultural Institute at Brussels with their arts and crafts products.
Hudák Józsefné Weaver, folk artist
5920 CSORVÁS Tanya 183 sz.
Phone number: +36 66 258-176
Phone number: +36 30 494-9153
E-mail address:
Hudák Mariann Great Master Award winner folk costume manufacturer
5920 CSORVÁS Tanya 183 sz.
Phone number: +36 66 258-176
Phone number: +36 30 294-7142
E-mail address: