Our neighbour: Arad

From certain points of view the geographical position of Orosháza, situated on the eastern part of the country, is disadvantageous, but if we think of the arriving tourists or the proximity of the border gives the town numerous benefits.

Arad offers a wide choice of programmes and the town is rich of historic monuments, too.

AradBékés county is surrounded on the east and south from Romanian territories. When crossing the frontier we can chose among different border crossing points. If we set off from Orosháza the most convenient points are Nagylak or Battonya, but if we take towards Gyula we will also have a pleasant and smooth journey. Romania is accessable by train as well passing through Békéscsaba, we can cross the border at Lökösháza.

To a short distance from the border we can find cities of historic interst. From north to south there is: Nagyvárad, Szalonta, Arad and Temesvár. These places offer interesting historic sights and monuments worth visiting. Nagyvárad was the birth place of outstanding historical personalities, such as: István Báthory (Voivode of Transylvania), Péter Pázmány archbishop, Kálmán Tisza prime minister, Mihály Teleki. As for our current days Jenő Knézi sport riporter and Renáta Tolvaj singer can be mentioned.

Arad főtérSalonta is famous for Miklós Toldi and the author of his story János Arany, who was born and lived here. We have to mention two other writers István Sinka and Lajos Zilahy, eminent personalities of Hungarian literature. At Arad we can find the monument of the thirteen Hungarian generals who were executed in 1849 at Arad city.
Famous personalities given by the city: Pál Jávor famous actor and Árpád Tóth poet. Temesvár, capital of area named Banat, is the third biggest city of Roumania. Famous people related to the city are: György Klapka (later captain of the Komárom Castle), Ernő Kiss, one of the thirteen executed generals, László Tőkés, former deputy bishop and nowadays Member of the European Parliament, or Zoltán Márki poet.

Find more useful information on Arad and its surrounding at the following website: http://www.aradhotspots.ro

Pictures of Arad

Arad on map