Varga – land II.
5904 Gyopárosfürdő, Borostyán u. 8.
- +36 30 215-5400
- 46.567535, 20.635736
- 5 Zimmer
- 15+6 Weltraum
- 2.000 HUF/Nacht
- Bad: 750 m
- Stadtzentrum: 3.600 m
Our winterized cottage Varga-land 2 is situated at Gyopárosfürdő area, with possibilities for relaxation and entertainment both for children and adults. There are three apartments with separate entrances, each with equipped kitchen, bathroom, TV set, microwave oven and fridge. The bathrooms of two apartments were decorated with the elements of a huge barrel. In this way these rooms have a special atmosphere.
Payment: in cash, Erzsébet tickets, Sodexho-, Ticket Restaurant-, Chéque déjeune-r Pannon Tikett, Üdülési csekk, OTP and MKB SZÉP cards.
Extra services:
Pets allowed in specified rooms, skittles, playroom for kids, slide for toddlers, baby sandbox, baby cot, air conditioner upstairs. In the backyard cooking facilities, possibility to play skittles and football, ideal place for tents. A furnished large terrace make your stay more pleasant. Closed private garden guarantees guests’ safety and comfort. The guest-house is situated at a distance of 750 meters from the spa complex, close to the main road, peaceful and quiet area.
Kinderfreundliche Dienstleistungen
Ausrüstung der Zimmer / Apartments
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